Quit Smoking Permanently

By Chris James

It's difficult to quit smoking. Even those who were successful in their efforts will likely say it was incredibly difficult. There are a many methods to try and quit smoking. If you aren't successful with one, try another. It's imperative for your health (and the health of those around you)that you quit smoking as soon as possible. Always check with your doctor before starting any non-smoking program.

Most people who make up their minds to stop smoking decide to go cold turkey. This means that one day they just stop. Unfortunately, it seldom works. Strong willed people tend to think they can make it, but will power has little to do with the process. Nicotine is among the most addictive of drugs, which can cause you severe withdrawal problems. Some people are successful for a while when they quit cold turkey, but generally they start again soon.

Other available options are nicotine gum and patches. Using these tools help you to come off your addiction to cigarettes, or other forms of nicotine, more slowly. Again, before using either of these methods you should discuss it with your doctor. Once you get the go-ahead, carefully follow all the directions. Unfortunately, part of the addiction is the habit of smoking itself. Besides the physical addiction, you are mentally and emotionally addicted as well. The hand to mouth motion is habit forming as is the oral gratification.

Your doctor might prescribe medication to help you kick the smoking habit and addiction to nicotine. Discuss your options with the doctor and try to use the method with the fewest side effects and best success rate. Don't ever make the mistake of taking another person's medicine as it might interfere with something you are taking.

Quitting smoking is a lifelong process. Many people find the social habit of smoking hard to beat long after the nicotine addiction is gone. You may need to temporarily alter your lifestyle while trying to quit smoking. For example many people enjoy a cigarette with a drink with friends. This social habit can be difficult to break and you may want to avoid any of these pitfalls for a while when you are still in the process of getting over the nicotine habit.

If you are a smoker, talk to your doctor sooner rather than later. You can extend your life by quitting now and also avoid terrible diseases attributed to smoking. Be good to yourself, do it now. - 29958

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