Having Fun On A Fall First Date

By Lynne Hughes

The fall season is a great time for dating. There are so many fun and festive things you can do. The weather is almost perfect in most areas, as it's still very nice outdoors; not too hot and not too cold. Taking advantage of the beautiful fall season for dating lends itself to some great ideas for first dates for singles.

1) Take your date to a pumpkin patch and help choose a pumpkin. You'll have a lot of fun getting to know each other in the selection process. If they have a corn maze at the pumpkin patch, even better!

2) Go to a wine tasting or a wine festival with your date. You'll learn a lot of their likes and dislikes as you taste the wines. The wine may even take some pressure off the date. Just don't drink too much!

3) See if there is an Oktoberfest event in your area. They are excellent festive events that are very cultural. You and your date will have a blast, especially if you engage in the dancing.

4) Go to the park and check out all the fall leaves and their different colors.

5) Check out and visit one of the haunted houses in your area. They can be a lot of fun and you will have someone to hold onto as you take your tour through. You will have many laughs about your adventure through, but probably not until you exit.

6) A bonfire is a great way to get to hang out, relax and get to know someone. Add a bottle of wine to it and it's almost perfect!

7) Hayrides can be a great way to get to know someone and are a lot of fun, especially if you can find a night time one through some haunted woods.

Whatever date you choose, make sure choose something that both of you will enjoy and give you the chance to get to know each other. Remember to always be safe. - 29958

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