Important Facts About The Landlords Gas Safety Certificate

By Joanna Harris

A gas safety certificate involves in particular, the installation, maintenance and use of gas appliances, fittings and flues provided for tenants use in relevant premises* as defined by the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations in'98. All landlords in London are mandated to obtain this requirement, which is otherwise known as a CP12.

A safety certificate is NOT a boiler service, it is designed to ensure any and all gas appliances and pipe-work within the building are safe. The law requires a landlord to have a gas safety certificate issued by a Gas Safe registered engineer every year.

The following data is written on the certificate

-Location of the property and the date the inspection was held

-Information about the inspector, as well as, his gas safe registration number

-Full details of all the gas appliances, including their locations

-Identified defects, if any, and the corresponding action implemented

-Services performed, if any, and the date

-A statement confirming that the safety check completed complies with the requirements of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations'98

What if my gas inspection in London failed?

As cited previously, defects identified, if any, as well as the corresponding actions implemented or will be carried out are written on your inspection record. Since it is a criminal offence to use or allow the use of a gas appliance declared to be dangerous, you have to ascertain that those corrective actions were done properly by a Gas Safe registered engineer before using the equipment again. Similarly, failure of landlords to comply with these policies as stated in the law, will result in prosecution, unlimited fines and or imprisonment.

Keeping copies of the report regarding the correction of recognized faults is a sensible action because you may be obliged to present these next time. When a gas appliance is declared to be dangerous and has been either isolated or disconnected for safety reasons, never ever attempt to reconnect it. A qualified Gas Safe engineer must rectify the defects first prior to reusing the said appliance.

What is the price of obtaining a London Gas safety certificate?

The average cost of a gas safety certificate in London ranges from 80 - 120. However, the price can vary depending on the number of gas appliances within the premises.

Corgi or Gas Safe?

Replacing CORGI as the governing body for all gas practices in Great Britain and the Isle of Man, the Gas Safe Register commenced following the gas safety review performed by the Health & Safety executive for Great Britain in 2006.

A decision to adjust to a new gas registration scheme was done following a consultation with the gas industry, engineers and the general public. The Gas Safe Register was formally launched on the 1st day of April 2009 and the contract was given to Capita Group Plc.


Landlords Owners of a land or property which is wholly or partially rented or leased to others called tenants

Relevant Premises Properties would include

-rented houses

-holiday houses

-bedsits or rooms in a shared house or Guest House

*That is those occupied for residential purposes under either a licence, a tenancy agreement for a set term, or a lease as defined in the policies. Basically, any lease less than seven years is covered. - 29958

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