International Insurance Advantages

By Ray Sondeo

The universal healthcare debate occurring in the United States often raises questions about similar programs employed internationally. But what Americans traveling abroad may not realize is that the coverage available to citizens of other countries may not also be available to them. Additionally, U.S. citizens living abroad or traveling internationally may find that their current insurance policy has many limitations in regards to what sort of coverage they're allowed overseas. With that in mind, it's a great idea to buy an citizen secure insurance policy whenever living internationally or traveling abroad for an extended period.

The health insurance programs offered in the country you?re visiting may be robust for citizens of that country, but the same level of coverage may not be available to you. If you're traveling for a short period of time, contact your medical insurance representative to see how your current plan may be modified or supplemented to cover your international insurance needs.

However, if you're planning to live abroad or travel for a longer period of time, then a special health insurance policy is advised. One example of the kind of policy you'll want is the Citizen Secure Insurance plan, which is backed by Lloyds of London. A plan like Citizen Secure lets travelers know that their short-term residency or extended stay trip will be free of worry regarding whether their insurance will or won't be accepted.

Check with your insurance plan representative for specifics regarding plan eligibility for your citizen secure insurance policy, as each plan has its own rules and regulations. For example, the Citizen Secure International plan will allow anyone aged-- days to 74 years to be eligible for coverage, and it also dictates that the policyholder be residing internationally for at least a six month term.

These types of plans offer more comprehensive coverage, often including issues like mental health and even transplants. Additionally, when selecting plans for longer-term stays, you may want to consider the area you're residing in, as supplemental evacuation coverage can be added to these policies. International health insurance can be the difference between getting the high-level care you deserve during a personal or national emergency.

The Citizens Secure International policy and others like it offer additional features beyond medical assistance. These may include features like travelers assistance, which includes help with locating baggage lost during your travels, wiring funds electronically and contacting family, friends, and colleagues should communication be hindered by an emergency.

You can also tailor your plan to meet the nuances of your lifestyle. For example, supplemental sports coverage is offered through the Citizen Secure insurance plan, so that if your stay involves high-risk sports activities like mountain climbing, you can purchase additional superior coverage.

International health insurance is something short-term travelers should definitely consider, and for those living internationally for six months or more it's simply something they absolutely need to have. Consider the area you'll be residing in, how long you'll be staying, what you'll be doing during your stay, and you'll be able to find the right plan for you. - 29958

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